Chiann has handled almost 100 arbitrations as presiding, co-, sole and emergency arbitrator under most of the arbitration institutions worldwide. She is listed on arbitrator panels as detailed here.
She has served as arbitrator in a wide range of industries, including general corporate, joint venture and shareholder disputes, private equity, intellectual property and licensing, pharmaceutical, crypto-assets and crypto-technology, media and telecommunications, technology, construction and infrastructure projects, energy and resources, agency and distributorship agreements, sale of goods, commercial sports and general commercial disputes.
- Presiding arbitrator in an HKIAC arbitration between PRC, BVI, and US parties regarding an investment into blockchain technology (seat Hong Kong)
- Presiding arbitrator in an HKIAC arbitration between PRC, Canadian, and Hong Kong parties regarding an investment into a cryptocurrency exchange (seat Hong Kong)
- Presiding arbitrator in three concurrent HKIAC arbitrations between a PRC State-owned and a BVI entity regarding the commissions arising from an agency agreement related to an EPC contract (seat Hong Kong)
- Presiding arbitrator in an HKIAC arbitration between US, Irish, and PRC entities relating to a software license and maintenance agreement (seat Hong Kong, California law)
- Presiding arbitrator in an HKIAC arbitration between Cayman, BVI, PRC, Taiwan, and Hong Kong entities concerning the investments into a pre-IPO beauty services business (seat Hong Kong)
- Presiding arbitrator in an HKIAC arbitration between PRC, BVI, Cayman Islands, and Hong Kong entities concerning the mobile advertising business (seat Hong Kong)
- Presiding arbitrator in an HKIAC arbitration between PRC, Ethiopian and BVI entities relating to services agreements in the oil exploration industry (seat Hong Kong)
- Presiding arbitrator in an HKIAC arbitration between Hong Kong and French entities relating to the sale of cosmetic products (seat Hong Kong)
- Co-arbitrator in an HKIAC arbitration regarding a dispute over investment in a logistics company between Cayman Islands, PRC and BVI parties (seat Hong Kong, Hong Kong law)
- Co-arbitrator in an HKIAC arbitration involving the intellectual property of crypto-mining farm technology between BVI, PRC and Singaporean parties (seat Hong Kong)
- Co-arbitrator in an HKIAC arbitration between PRC entities regarding an investment into e-commerce (seat Hong Kong)
- Co-arbitrator in an HKIAC arbitration between Cayman Islands, PRC and BVI entities regarding an investment into a private education fund and associated employment issues (seat Hong Kong)
- Co-arbitrator in an HKIAC arbitration concerning a pharmaceutical dispute involving a Swiss company and a Macanese company (seat Hong Kong)
- Co-arbitrator in an HKIAC arbitration between UK and Ethiopian entities relating to a contract for services in the oil exploration industry (seat Hong Kong)
- Sole arbitrator in UNCITRAL/HKIAC Procedures between BVI and UK entities relating to servicing of tokens (seat Hong Kong)
- Sole arbitrator in UNCITRAL/HKIAC Procedures between US and Filipino entities relating to a software license and services agreement (seat Hong Kong)
- Emergency arbitrator in an HKIAC arbitration between PRC and Cayman Island entities relating to the purchase of convertible notes and warranty agreement (seat Hong Kong)
- Presiding arbitrator in an ICC arbitration regarding a desalination plant between Emirati entities (seat DIFC, governing law UAE)
- Presiding arbitrator in an ICC arbitration regarding a mining dispute between Brazilian, Bahraini and Austrian entities (seat London)
- Presiding arbitrator in an ICC arbitration between Australian and Korean entities relating to a convertible bond subscription agreement (seat Hong Kong)
- Co-arbitrator in an ICC arbitration between French and PRC entities relating to equipment handling Liquid Crystal Polymer films (seat Singapore)
- Co-arbitrator in an ICC arbitration concerning a solar energy development dispute between Brazilian and Singaporean entities (seat New York)
- Co-arbitrator in ICC proceedings involving three related arbitrations between a Korean and US entities relating to a power plant project dispute (seat Singapore)
- Co-arbitrator in an ICC arbitration between a PRC and UK entities relating to a purchase agreement (seat New York)
- Co-arbitrator in an ICC arbitration between Hong Kong entities relating to a joint venture agreement (seat Hong Kong)
- Sole arbitrator in an ICC arbitration between a Norwegian and PRC entities relating to a software license agreement (seat Hong Kong, Hong Kong law)
- Presiding arbitrator in a SIAC arbitration between Japanese, Malaysian, German, Singaporean entities involving a power plant (seat Singapore, English law)
- Presiding arbitrator in a SIAC arbitration between Hong Kong and Philippines entities relating to a pharmaceutical distribution agreement (seat Singapore)
- Presiding arbitrator in a SIAC arbitration between BVI and Panamanian entities relating to a loan agreement (seat Singapore)
- Presiding arbitrator in a SIAC arbitration between Hong Kong and Indonesian entities concerning the sale of pharmaceutical products (seat Singapore, Indonesian law)
- Presiding arbitrator in a SIAC arbitration between US and PRC entities relating to a securities lending agreement (seat Singapore)
- Co-arbitrator in a SIAC arbitration between Korean and PRC entities regarding electric vehicle technology (seat Singapore)
- Co-arbitrator in a SIAC arbitration concerning a commodities dispute between Vietnamese and Singaporean entities (seat Singapore)
- Co-arbitrator in a SIAC arbitration between Korean and PRC entities relating to a license agreement (seat Singapore)
- Co-arbitrator in a SIAC arbitration involving a telecommunication services dispute between Singaporean and PRC companies (seat Hong Kong)
- Co-arbitrator in a SIAC arbitration between PRC and Namibian entities regarding the sale of goods (seat Singapore, Ontario law, bilingual Chinese/English)
- Sole arbitrator in a SIAC arbitration between Swiss and US entities regarding the pharmaceutical development and manufacturing (seat Singapore)
- Sole arbitrator in a SIAC arbitration between a Japanese company and Indian, Mauritian and US entities regarding an investment in an e-commerce company (seat Singapore)
- Sole arbitrator in SIAC proceedings regarding three arbitrations consolidated into a single arbitration involving a sale of goods (CISG) dispute between PRC and Cypriot entities (seat Singapore)
- Sole arbitrator in a SIAC arbitration between PRC and Singaporean entities relating to the pharmaceutical industry (seat Singapore)
- Sole arbitrator in a SIAC arbitration between a PRC entity and an Egyptian government entity relating to an agency agreement (seat Singapore)
- Sole arbitrator in a SIAC arbitration between a Singaporean entity and an Indonesian entity relating to payment rights and settlement agreement (seat Singapore)
- Sole arbitrator in a SIAC arbitration between a Singaporean and PRC entities relating to a share purchase agreement (seat Singapore)
- Emergency arbitrator in a SIAC arbitration between US and Philippine entities relating to a hotel management agreement (seat Singapore)
- Emergency arbitrator in a SIAC arbitration between an Indian company and Singaporean, Indian, Dutch and British entities relating to a development services agreement (seat Singapore, Indian law)
- Emergency arbitrator in a SIAC arbitration between Korean, Philippine, and Japanese entities relating to a power plant project (seat Singapore)
- Presiding arbitrator in an LCIA arbitration between UK and Latvian entities regarding status in respect of sanctions (seat London)
- Presiding arbitrator in an UNCITRAL arbitration between an Australian company and Indonesian State entities regarding a sales and management agreement (seat Singapore)
- Presiding arbitrator in an UNCITRAL arbitration between Singaporean and Estonian entitles regarding a sales contract for shale oil (seat London, appointing authority – PCA)
- Presiding arbitrator in an ad hoc arbitration between Malaysian and Thai entities relating to a sales contract (seat Kuala Lumpur)
- Presiding arbitrator in an SCC arbitration between PRC and Polish entities involving export of textiles (seat Stockholm, CISG)
- Co-arbitrator in a CAA arbitration between Taiwanese and US entities relating to the defence industry (Taipei, Taiwan law)
- Co-arbitrator in an ICDR arbitration relating to a private investment fund dispute between US and Cayman Islands entities (seat New York, New York law)
- Co-arbitrator in a VIAC arbitration concerning provision of equipment and supplies in a power plant project between a Korean entity and a Vietnamese state-owned enterprise (seat Hanoi, Vietnamese law)
- Co-arbitrator in two parallel LCIA arbitrations between Finnish and Kenyan entities regarding real estate development (seat London, English law)
- Co-arbitrator in a KCAB arbitration between Singaporean and Seychelles entities and a Hong Kong company relating to a convertible bond subscription agreement (seat Hong Kong)
- Co-arbitrator in a KCAB arbitration between Korean and US entities relating to a nuclear power project (seat Seoul)
- Co-arbitrator in two related UNCITRAL disputes between Australian State-owned and PRC entities regarding a coal supply agreement (seat Sydney, appointing authority – ACICA)
- Co-arbitrator in a CIETAC arbitration involving a telecommunications dispute between Swedish and PRC entities (seat Beijing)
- Co-arbitrator in a CIETAC arbitration regarding a private equity dispute relating to a real estate investment fund (in Chinese)
- Co-arbitrator in a CIETAC arbitration between a State-owned PRC company and wholly foreign-owned company relating to a chemical pipeline corridor (seat Beijing)
- Co-arbitrator in an SCIA arbitration between PRC and Emirati entities relating to a sale and purchase agreement (seat Shenzhen, in Chinese)
- Co-arbitrator in a SAC arbitrator between an international sports organization and a Chinese company regarding a dispute over a sales representation agreement (seat Zurich, Swiss law)
- Sole arbitrator in an ad hoc arbitration involving a mining dispute between PRC and Malaysian entities (seat Singapore)
- Sole arbitrator in an ad hoc UNCITRAL arbitration between Hong Kong entities relating to an agreement for financial advisory services (seat Hong Kong)
- Sole arbitrator in an LCIA arbitration between Curaçao and Swiss entities involving sponsorship of a sport team (English law)
- Sole arbitrator in a CIETAC Hong Kong arbitration between Hong Kong and Israeli entities relating to a cybersecurity software agreement (seat Hong Kong)
- Emergency Arbitrator in an SCCA arbitration between Saudi Arabian and Egyptian entities regarding investment into a megacity development (seat Riyadh, Saudi law)
- Mediator in a matter between PRC and US entitles regarding a contract to host an international sports championship (New York law)
- Representing Chinese state-owned enterprise in international enforcement defence strategy in relation to litigation in Sao Paolo, Brazil over a US$80 million default judgment
- Advising Taiwanese insurance company in their potential HKIAC arbitration against Germany software company arising out of the design and implementation of software system
- Representing Brazilian poultry company in global investigations regarding food safety violations
- Representing Japanese gaming company in potential CIETAC arbitration against Chinese distributor
- Involved in all aspects of $3 billion arbitration over commercial real estate development, including managing discovery effort, drafting memoranda of law, assisting development of trial strategy, and preparing witnesses for testimony
- Worked with team to represent Czech Republic in an investment treaty arbitration under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules and a bilateral investment treaty related to investment of real property and related business
- Successfully represented a banking executive who was subject of an internal investigation; efforts resulted in client being reinstated
- Involved in all aspects of an employment dispute which required mediation sessions, preparation of client for testimony, and oral arguments at hearing; efforts resulted in client receiving significant award for damages incurred
- Oversaw the profile development of HKIAC which led to the Centre being recognized as the most used institution outside of Europe and most improved institution over the past five years by the Queen Mary International Arbitration Survey 2015
- Oversaw the expansion and renovation of hearing facilities which was most highly nominated for its attention to service by the 2016 Global Arbitration Review Hearing Centre Survey
- Managed the implementation of administration of arbitration matters under the 2008 Administered Arbitration Rules as well as the 2013 Administered Arbitration Rules
- Participated in the working group to draft the 2013 HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules
- Managed a twenty-four person Secretariat based in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Seoul to provide services for arbitration, mediation and other forms of dispute resolution; led subsequent organisational restructure
- Built and led an arbitration team to handle daily administration services and monitor the arbitration process of approximately 250 arbitrations annually
- Managed the operational restructuring of the Asian Dispute Review journal and served on the editorial board as well as supervisory board
- Advised the Hong Kong Department of Justice on appropriate revisions in the Hong Kong Arbitration Ordinance to reflect the enforceability of emergency arbitrator decisions and updates to the Arbitrator Appointment Rules
- Advised on shaping and implementing Hong Kong government policy to attract international arbitrations and mediations to Hong Kong
- Training judges in international arbitration in Southeast Asia
- Consulting governments on dispute resolution options in Southeast Asia
- Participating in rule drafting committees (AFSA, SCCA, PRIME Finance, BVI IAC, HKIAC (2013))